My friend Pete stopped through town on his way to Oregon from Wisconsin. Pete and I met as 18 year olds working as ranch hands for the National Audubon Society at a camp in the Wind River Range of Wyoming. I moved with Pete to La Crosse, Wisconsin after college, and later to Skagway Alaska with him. Pete is a sailor, fisherman, and world traveler who always creates a buzz when he stops by on his wandering adventures. Pete brought along a lot of fancy cheese and spices, including a gram of saffron. I am not sure how much saffron it takes to impart a presence in 5 gallons of beer but I thought we should give it a shot, even at $14.50/g. I wanted to keep the grain bill light and wanted to use a little honey (1/4 lbs) in the boil but forgot to add it. I considered adding the honey to secondary but am worried the honey/floral character will overtake any chance of noticing saffron. I also added a pint jar of dried chamomile flowers from the garden and a small amount of crushed corriander. A little Munich for maltiness and a little light caramel malt for sweetness.
5.25 Gallons
Anticipated OG 1.047
Anticipated TG 1.012
Anticipated SRM 4.63
Anticipated IBU 17.6
Efficiency 75%
Boil Time 60 minutes
8 lbs. American 2-Row
1 lbs. White Wheat Malt
.25 lbs. Caramel 20L
.25 lbs. Munich 10L
.15 lbs. Acidulated Malt
.5 oz Hallertau at 60 minutes
.25 oz Hallertau at 30 minutes
.25 oz Saaz at 30 minutes
.25 oz Hallertau at 5 minutes
.75 oz Saaz at 5 minutes
1 oz Crushed Indian Corriander at Flamout
1 Quart Jar Dried Chamomile Flower (loosely packed) at Flamout
1 Gram Saffron Threads at Flamout
Yeast:Safbrew T-58
Water Profile:
Wyoming Well Water
Mash Schedule:
Sacchrafication Rest @ 152F for 60 min
Mash Out @ 178F for 20 min
Brewed 10/6/11 w/Pete
Collected 7 gallons of wort and boiled down to 5.25 g
Cooled to 70F and pitched Safbrew T-58
10/20/11 transferred to secondary
11/3/11 bottled with 2/3 Cup cane sugar
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